–Purpose of this page–
Supporting our key contacts when implementing Brian
When introducing new technology, communication is essential to support the change process. Brian is a very special kind of software and even if he works in a very intuitive manner we see, that a proper communication is essential for a successful Brian adoption. When introducing Brian to new companies, our key contact persons play an essential role being also interested in a successful implementation of Brian. We want ot support our key contacts in each company as good as we can and therefore share here some helpful materials you can use when communicating Brian in your organization. Thank you!
– Feel free to copy-paste! –
Helpful materials to communicate Brian and his skills
Starting a Brian test?
Dear colleagues,
We have the opportunity to test Brian – the digital assistant developed specifically for the needs of consultants and business professionals. He translates complete documents from/to 100 languages, provides information about over 12 million companies, provides slide graphics … in total he has over 30 skills aiming to save your time for more meaningful and fun ones!
How to start?
Just ask Brian via brian@askbrian.ai something like “Hey Brian, what are your skills?”.
There is NO need for any registration or software download.
Do you want to learn more?
– Watch the 3-mins-introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HDTqcFUOTo
– And here you can find all details about Brian’s skills: https://www.askbrian.ai/skills/
Please contact me or support@askbrian.ai in case of any questions.
Much looking forward to your feedback.
Hallo zusammen,
wir haben die Gelegenheit Brian zu testen – den digitalen Assistenten, der speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Beratern und Professionals entwickelt wurde. Er übersetzt komplette Dokumente in 100 Sprachen, liefert Informationen über mehr als 12 Millionen Unternehmen, stellt Slide-Templates zur Verfügung … insgesamt hat er über 30 Fähigkeiten, die darauf abzielen, Deine Zeit für sinnvollere und spannende Aufgaben zu sparen!
Bester Anfang?
- Frage Brian einfach über brian@askbrian.ai nach seinen Fähigkeiten, z.B. “Hey Brian, what are your skills?”.
- Es ist KEINE Registrierung oder ein Software-Download erforderlich.
Willst Du mehr erfahren?
– Sehe Dir das 3-Minuten-Einführungsvideo an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HDTqcFUOTo
– Hier findest Du alle Details über Brians Fähigkeiten: https://www.askbrian.ai/skills/
Bitte kontaktiere mich oder support@askbrian.ai, falls Du Fragen hast.
Ich freue mich auf Dein Feedback.
Communicating Brian to your colleagues
(Brian interaction via Email only)
Dear colleagues,
I am happy to inform you, that from now on all of us have access to Brian – the digital assistant developed specifically for the needs of consultants and business professionals. He translates complete documents from/to 100 languages, provides information about over 12 million companies, provides slide graphics … in total he has over 30 skills aiming to save your time for more meaningful and fun ones!
How to start?
Just ask Brian via brian@askbrian.ai something like “Hey Brian, what are your skills?”… and he will tell you his current skills.
There is NO need for any registration or software download.
Do you want to learn more?
– Watch the 3-mins-introduction video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HDTqcFUOTo
– And here you can find all details about Brian’s skills: https://www.askbrian.ai/skills/
Please let me know, if you have any questions or contact support@askbrian.ai.
Wish you all the best
Hallo zusammen,
ich freue mich Euch zu informieren, dass wir nun alle Zugang zu Brian haben – einem digitalen Asssistenten, der speziell für die Bedürfnisse von Beratern und Business Professionals entwickelt wurde. Er übersetzt komplette Dokumente in 100 Sprachen, liefert Informationen über mehr als 12 Millionen Unternehmen, stellt Slide-Templates zur Verfügung … insgesamt hat er über 30 Fähigkeiten, die darauf abzielen, Deine Zeit für sinnvollere und spannende Aufgaben zu sparen!
Bester Anfang?
- Frage Brian einfach über brian@askbrian.ai nach seinen Fähigkeiten, z.B. “Hey Brian, what are your skills?”.
- Es ist KEINE Registrierung oder ein Software-Download erforderlich.
Willst Du mehr erfahren?
– Sehe Dir das 3-Minuten-Einführungsvideo an: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HDTqcFUOTo
– Hier findest Du alle Details über Brians Fähigkeiten: https://www.askbrian.ai/skills/
Fragen gerne an mich oder an support@askbrian.ai.
Beste Grüße
Providing information about Brian in your intranet is best practice! Download the blueprint for your inspiration – in PDF or Word!
Brian’s CV
Brian is a hybrid human-alike software. Here he introduces him self as a human:)
Brian’s Cheat Sheet
Exemplary formulations for all skills of Brian usable in email and Teams
GPT Prompting Cheat Sheet
Exemplary formulations to get the most out of Brian’s GPT skills
One-pager for Prospects
All key aspects of Brian and Call to Action: Contact AskBrian
AskBrian logo

Skill overview
Inroducing Brian
Purpose: Explaining the Brian big picture
Duration: 3 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGzArhDJD4o&t=160s
Getting started with Brian
Purpose: First steps for new users
Duration: 3 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvNgkRXpXpY
Experience Brian’s magic via Teams
Purpose: How to use Brian via Teams
Duration: 3 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApkyPtPmeo8
Translate files with Brian in Teams
Purpose: How to translate files in MS Teams
Duration: 1 minute
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw5qZ3XC5DE
Translate files with Brian
Purpose: How to translate files via email and MS Teams
Duration: 2,5 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw5qZ3XC5DE
‘Draft bullets’ with Brian
Purpose: Explaining the amazing ‘Bullets’ skill
Duration: 2 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UyhYEsBg_o
‘Brainstorm’ with Brian
Purpose: Explaining the crazy ‘Brainstorm’ skill
Duration: 2 minutes
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sjNgXRD8_w
Brian’s ‘Ask Anything’
Purpose: Explaining the extraordinary ‘skill
Duration: 3 minutes
Link: https://youtu.be/8NHXhBwPGRg
General trailer
Purpose: How Brian solves business pro’s problems
Duration: 1 minute
Link: https://youtu.be/sjvHqqFZ5WQ
Company analysis
Purpose: Image movie – how company analysis works
Duration: 1 minute
Link: https://youtu.be/xnn-VAl_ZO4
Purpose: Image movie – how translation works
Duration: 1 minute
Link: https://youtu.be/P36VCB5cdQQ
Translate funny
Purpose: Animated video – translation kind of funny
Duration: 1 minute
Link: https://youtu.be/QVUmBxElU1I
General one

Our company will now get supported by our new AI-powered digital assistant Brian, who can help you getting your tasks done faster and more conveniently. Find out how Brian can assist you with your daily challenges by sending a mail to brian@askbrian.ai: “Hey Brian, what are your skills?” or via MS Teams!
Brian loves Microsoft Teams

Do you want to benefit from the best assistance for business professionals out there superfast and convenient! Just give Brian a try via MS Teams!

Just got informed that your presentation needs to be in English? Try our AI-powered digital assistant by sending a message via Teams, Slack, or by email to brian@askbrian.ai saying e.g. “Hey Brian, translate the file from German to English!”
File conversion

Need to work on a pdf-formatted report while excel would make the job easier? Try our AI-powered digital assistant by sending a mail to brian@askbrian.ai saying e.g. “Hey Brian, convert the english file to Excel!”
Industry KPIs

Got a market report to do? Try our AI-powered digital assistant by sending a mail to brian@askbrian.ai saying e.g.: “Hey, send me the automotive industry benchmarks for European companies!”

Your presentation deadline is tomorrow, and you haven’t even started? Try our AI-powered digital assistant to get some inspiration by sending a mail to brian@askbrian.ai saying e.g. “Hey Brian, send me templates for agenda slides!”
AskBrian podcast with Ash
(unbillable hours)
With: Ash (Mohd) and Pavol
Date: 29.10.2021
Duration: 27 minutes
Language: English
Link: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL3VuYmlsbGFibGVocnMvZmVlZC54bWw/episode/dW5iaWxsYWJsZWhycy5wb2RiZWFuLmNvbS85ZmY0MzFkMi1mMjA4LTMyZjEtYWIzOS0zOWZmM2FmMWM1MjY?hl=de&ved=2ahUKEwiw0q_9r671AhUPiv0HHTA0DOcQjrkEegQIAhAI&ep=6
Über künstliche Intelligenz mit AskBrian
With: Philipp Klaege and Pavol
Date: 08.02.2021
Duration: 48 minutes
Language: German
Link: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy80YjdkZjYxOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw/episode/YTczYTg4MWEtNjZkMC00NWE2LWIzMGYtNTQyYTIwYjljZGFk?hl=de&ved=2ahUKEwiw0q_9r671AhUPiv0HHTA0DOcQjrkEegQIAhAL&ep=6
Audio Story: Weniger Überstunden für Berater
(Business Insider / Gründerszene)
With: Pauline Schnor and Pavol
Date: 30.06.2020
Duration: 4 minutes
Language: German
Link: https://soundcloud.com/gruenderszeneplus/audiostory-askbrian-berater-chatbot?
Details and trouble shooting
Details for all skills
Link: www.askbrian.ai/skills/
Frequently asked Questions
Link: www.askbrian.ai/faq/
Link: www.askbrian.ai/contact-form/
Data Security and Privacy
Cornerstones of Data Security and Privacy
Link: www.askbrian.ai/security-and-privacy/
Privacy Policy
Link: www.askbrian.ai/privacy/
And some more
MS Teams Integration
Link: www.askbrian.ai/brian-microsoft-teams/
General terms of use
Link: www.askbrian.ai/terms/