–Brian’s Prompt Inspiration–

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– Prompt Tips –

How to define the output you want


Define the tone of the response you want from Brian –  formal, informal, friendly, or professional


Define the language that you expect Brian to use in his response – specify that language in your prompt


Define the length of the response you expect – do you want a short answer, a paragraph, or a longer response


Define the format of the response that you expect, such as text, bullet points or a list


Specify if Brian should use your name, tailor recommendations, or mimic human conversation

Brian's Prompt Library

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Department Cluster Use case Example
1 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What are some proven marketing leadership strategies that promote team growth and contribute to being a better boss?
2 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What are the best practices for giving constructive feedback in a creative team to foster a positive work environment and become a better leader?
3 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Be a better Boss Developmet Advice Can you provide a summary of leadership development practices that can help me enhance my strategic thinking and team management skills?
4 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What methods of feedback have been most effective for strategic leaders to improve team performance and individual development?
5 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What are some professional development strategies for Purchasing managers to improve leadership skills and team performance?
6 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Be a better Boss Giving Feedback Could you suggest tactics for giving constructive feedback that a Purchasing team leader can use to improve team performance and engagement?
7 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What resources or practices would you recommend for an Executive Assistant looking to enhance their leadership and managerial abilities?
8 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What are some effective methods for an Executive Assistant to provide feedback to support staff in a way that fosters growth and positive team dynamics?
9 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What development advice can you give for an operations team leader to become a more effective and supportive boss?
10 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Be a better Boss Giving Feedback How should an operations manager structure and deliver feedback to their team members to encourage improvement and maintain morale?
11 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Be a better Boss What to offer What incentives and support can I offer my marketing team to encourage innovation and maintain high morale, helping me be a better boss?
12 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Be a better Boss What to offer As a leader in management and strategy, what kind of professional development opportunities should I offer to my team to improve our effectiveness and my capabilities as a boss?
13 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Be a better Boss What to offer What incentives or support systems could a Purchasing manager implement to encourage and motivate their team for better performance?
14 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Be a better Boss Structure talk How can I structure team meetings in a marketing department to encourage open communication and drive better campaign results as a leader?
15 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Be a better Boss What to offer What are some of the best practices for an Executive Assistant to add value to their boss's work life, balancing initiative with adherence to directives?
16 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Be a better Boss What to offer What incentives or support can I offer as an operations leader to empower my employees and promote a positive work environment?
17 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Be a better Boss What to offer What unique benefits or opportunities should a sales team leader consider providing to encourage team engagement and high performance?
18 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What are key development areas for a sales manager to focus on to become a better leader and elevate team performance?
19 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What techniques can a sales leader use to provide constructive feedback to their team in a way that motivates and fosters growth?
20 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Be a better Boss Structure talk What are some techniques for structuring effective strategic planning sessions with my team to enhance our collective leadership capability?
21 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Be a better Boss What to offer What incentives and support should HR provide to managers to encourage their growth into more effective leaders?
22 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Be a better Boss What to offer What are the legal considerations when designing incentive programs for managerial development and leadership enhancement?
23 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Be a better Boss Structure talk Can you outline a structured approach to communication that a Purchasing manager can apply to lead team meetings more effectively?
24 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Be a better Boss Structure talk How should an Executive Assistant structure their communication to efficiently liaise between executives and other staff while demonstrating leadership?
25 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Be a better Boss Structure talk What frameworks or strategies can an operations supervisor employ to structure their communication for clarity and effectiveness with their team?
26 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Be a better Boss Structure talk In what ways can a sales director structure team talks to inspire action and achieve better alignment with company goals?
27 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Be a better Boss Developmet Advice What strategies can HR implement to assist managers in their professional development to become better bosses?
28 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What are some effective feedback models HR can teach managers for improving team performance and morale?
29 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Be a better Boss Structure talk How can HR train managers to structure their conversations for effective team communication and leadership?
30 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Be a better Boss Structure talk What are the legal implications of structured communication in the workplace, and how can managers be trained to adhere to these standards?
31 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Be a better Boss Developmet Advice Can you provide legal guidelines for creating a development program aimed at helping managers improve their leadership skills?
32 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Be a better Boss Giving Feedback What are the legal considerations for managers when giving feedback to ensure it is constructive and non-discriminatory?
33 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Develop Content Methods What methods can be employed to effectively measure the ROI of our social media campaigns?
34 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Develop Content Methods Can you suggest some methods for conducting a comprehensive competitive analysis in our industry?
35 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Develop Content Bullet points Can you outline the key benefits of our product in bullet points for use in our marketing materials?
36 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Develop Content Hypothesis What hypothesis can we formulate about the impact of influencer marketing on our brand's reach among Generation Z consumers?
37 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Develop Content Pros and Cons What are the pros and cons of using influencer marketing for our new product launch?
38 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Develop Content Methods Can you suggest some effective negotiation strategies for purchasing managers to use with suppliers?
39 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Develop Content Draft concepts Can you help draft a concept for a multi-channel marketing campaign targeting young adults?
40 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Develop Content Pros and Cons Could you list the pros and cons of implementing a flat organizational structure within our company?
41 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Develop Content Pros and Cons Could you list the pros and cons of using a centralized purchasing system versus a decentralized one?
42 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Develop Content Methods What are some innovative methods for effectively managing an executive's travel itinerary?
43 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Develop Content Methods What are the most effective methods for reducing operational bottlenecks in a high-volume manufacturing environment?
44 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Develop Content Bullet points Please provide bullet points summarizing the strategic initiatives we should prioritize for the upcoming quarter.
45 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Develop Content Hypothesis How might we hypothesize the potential outcomes of implementing a decentralized work model in terms of productivity and employee satisfaction?
46 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Develop Content Pros and Cons What are the pros and cons of implementing a virtual assistant software for managing executives' schedules?
47 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Develop Content Methods Can you suggest methods for improving lead generation in a B2B sales process?
48 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Develop Content Draft concepts I need to draft a concept proposal for a new strategic business unit focusing on clean energy. What should I include?
49 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Develop Content Pros and Cons List the pros and cons of implementing a fully automated inventory management system compared to a manual one.
50 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Develop Content Pros and Cons Analyze the pros and cons of a subscription-based pricing model versus a one-time purchase for our SaaS product.
51 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Develop Content Methods What methods are most effective for content development within the HR sector?
52 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Develop Content Methods Can you describe best practices for content development that comply with legal and regulatory standards?
53 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Develop Content Bullet points Can you create bullet-point content summarizing best practices in sustainable procurement?
54 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Develop Content Hypothesis Formulate a hypothesis on how adopting artificial intelligence in the procurement process can reduce costs and increase efficiency.
55 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Develop Content Pros and Cons Can you list the pros and cons of using various content development strategies in Human Resources?
56 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Develop Content Draft concepts Please help me draft a concept for a supplier performance evaluation system.
57 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Develop Content Pros and Cons What are the advantages and potential legal risks associated with different content development approaches in Legal & Compliance?
58 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Develop Content Bullet points Please provide bullet points on the key responsibilities of an executive assistant in a global corporation.
59 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Develop Content Hypothesis Develop a hypothesis about the impact of advanced diary management systems on the daily productivity of executive assistants.
60 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Develop Content Draft concepts I need to draft a concept proposal for a new paperless meeting management system for the executive board. Can you provide a structured outline?
61 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Develop Content Bullet points Could you provide bullet points outlining the key steps for implementing a new inventory tracking system in our warehouse?
62 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Develop Content Hypothesis What hypothesis can we form about the impact of cross-training staff on operational efficiency in our logistics department?
63 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Develop Content Draft concepts Draft a concept for a lean inventory management system that minimizes waste and maximizes efficiency.
64 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Develop Content Bullet points Can you create bullet points summarizing the top benefits of our product to be used in a sales pitch?
65 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Develop Content Hypothesis What hypothesis could be made about the effect of personalized customer journeys on conversion rates in high-ticket B2B sales?
66 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Develop Content Draft concepts Draft a sales strategy concept that leverages AI technology for personalized customer engagements.
67 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Develop Content Bullet points How can HR teams effectively use bullet points to develop concise and impactful content?
68 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Develop Content Hypothesis Can you explain how to formulate strong hypotheses for HR content development?
69 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Develop Content Draft concepts What are key concepts to consider when drafting HR-related content?
70 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Develop Content Bullet points What are some best practices for using bullet points to create clear and effective content in Legal & Compliance documents?
71 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Develop Content Hypothesis What techniques can be used by Legal & Compliance teams to develop hypotheses in their content creation process?
72 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Develop Content Draft concepts What draft concepts should be prioritized to ensure compliance in legal content creation?
73 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Excel in excel Conditional formatting How can I use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight our top-performing products in a sales report?
74 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Excel in excel Excel formulas What Excel formulas are most useful for analyzing market research data?
75 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Excel in excel Features Can you provide a rundown of advanced Excel features that can be particularly useful for marketing and communication tasks?
76 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Excel in excel Conditional formatting What are some ways to use conditional formatting in Excel to track project milestones and deadlines?
77 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Excel in excel Excel formulas Can you explain how to use Excel formulas to calculate the net present value (NPV) of an investment?
78 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Excel in excel Features What are some powerful Excel features that could help management consultants analyze business strategies more effectively?
79 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Excel in excel Conditional formatting How can I use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight supplier orders that are over budget?
80 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Excel in excel Excel formulas What Excel formulas are most useful for calculating discounts and comparing prices from multiple suppliers?
81 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Excel in excel Features What are some advanced Excel features that can be particularly useful for managing large purchasing datasets?
82 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Excel in excel Trouble shooting I'm encountering issues with Excel while setting up a marketing report. What are some common troubleshooting steps?
83 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Excel in excel Trouble shooting What troubleshooting techniques can I use to resolve Excel errors during strategic data analysis?
84 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Purchasing Excel in excel Trouble shooting I'm encountering frequent errors with Excel formulas in our purchasing spreadsheets. Can you guide me through some basic troubleshooting steps?
85 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Excel in excel Trouble shooting What are common Excel issues that an executive assistant may face and how can I troubleshoot them efficiently?
86 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Excel in excel Trouble shooting Experiencing frequent crashes in Excel when dealing with large data sets; what troubleshooting steps can I take to resolve this?
87 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Excel in excel Conditional formatting Could you explain how to use Excel's conditional formatting to manage and highlight upcoming deadlines on an executive's calendar?
88 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Excel in excel Excel formulas Can you teach me the Excel formulas that would be helpful in tracking and reporting an executive's expense claims?
89 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Executive Assistant Excel in excel Features Can you explain how to use Excel's calendar and scheduling templates to manage an executive's agenda?
90 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Excel in excel Trouble shooting What should I do if Excel isn't updating formulas automatically or properly calculating sales commissions?
91 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM HR Excel in excel Trouble shooting Can you guide me through troubleshooting common issues in Excel that HR might encounter?
92 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Legal & Compliance Excel in excel Trouble shooting What are the steps to resolve frequent Excel problems encountered in legal and compliance departments?
93 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Excel in excel Conditional formatting Explain how to use conditional formatting in Excel to highlight orders that are past the delivery date.
94 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Excel in excel Excel formulas What are the most useful Excel formulas for tracking and analyzing production line efficiency metrics?
95 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Operations Excel in excel Features Can you provide a summary of the most useful Excel features for operations management, including pivot tables and advanced formulas?
96 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Excel in excel Conditional formatting Describe how to apply conditional formatting in Excel to automatically color-code cells based on sales targets achievement.
97 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Excel in excel Excel formulas Can you provide a guide on Excel formulas that are essential for calculating sales commission rates?
98 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Sales Excel in excel Features What are the key Excel features that can help in tracking sales performance and forecasting trends?
99 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Marketing & Communication Excel in excel Macros How can I use Excel macros to automate repetitive marketing data compilation tasks?
100 Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Anna 10/07/2024 10:06 AM Consulting & Strategy Excel in excel Macros Could you explain how macros in Excel can save time when aggregating strategic planning data?
Department Cluster Use case Example