
Brian quickly summarizes PowerPoint, Word, and PDF files, as well as URLs of websites, YouTube videos, and research reports, helping you grasp key information precisely as needed!


Business professionals invest significant portion of their time in comprehending the key points from lengthy documents, online reports, websites and YouTube videos as part of their daily tasks. Why not ask for help from someone who loves summarizing them for you? Brian can help you by giving concise summaries, enabling quick understanding of key points when dealing with extensive reports, client briefs, or industry research documents, online contents and YouTube videos. You have the flexibility to define the content focus and the way how you want to receive the result.

What´s cool about it

  • Supporting of most frequent file formats: native PDF, PowerPoint and Word documents
  • Also supports summarization of URLs of websites, YouTube videos, and research reports
  • Files of up to 50MB
  • You can specify what the summary should focus on (e.g. guarantees provided in the contract)
  • You determine how you want your summary: one sentence, 5 bullets or as a poem in German
  • Your content is not stored nor used for retraining
  • Secure and GDPR compliant

Use Cases

  • Gain key insights from lengthy reports,
    e.g.: Summarize key findings being relevant for an automotive reseller in China’
  • Analyze specific parts of legal contracts,
    e.g.: ‘Summarize the cancellation policy of this contract’
  • Comprehend board meeting presentations,
    e.g.: ‘Summarize key chances and risks discussed in this presentation’ 
  • Get key insights from a blog post,
    e.g.: summarize what consultants should choose – Brian or Copilot:
  • Transform meeting recordings to to-do lists,
    e.g.: ‘Summarize the open points in this document as a to-do list’
  • Ask for most important observations from a YouTube video
    e.g.: ‘Summarize key points from the interaction:
  • Extract key information from a Request for Proposal,
    e.g.: ‘Summarize the RfP regarding project goal, key requirements, and deadlines’
  • Summarize die website of a company you are interested in
    e.g.: summarize the business areas of Siemens from
  • Draft an E-Mail based on document summary,
    e.g.: ‘Summarize any content related to the internal project team and write a shareable e-mail for them’


  • Word documents
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Native PDFs – not scanned files (yet)
  • URLs – of websites, YouTube videos, and research reports
  • Simple text


All operations are conducted using Microsoft Azure, ensuring confidentiality and that all data remains within Europe


Bei der Fehlersuche sollten Sie Folgendes beachten:

  • Brian can summarize three types of documents (native PDF, pptx and docx), regular text as well as URLs – of websites, YouTube videos, and research reports
  • If you have a scanned PDF, please convert it to Word or PowerPoint using Brian and then ask for summarization using the converted file
  • Please share with Brian the actual file(s) – not a link (e.g. to SharePoint), Brian has no access to your file system
  • Please attach one file only – if you have more files, trigger more requests
  • Files having characters like % \ / : * ? ” < > | #  + in their file names are not supported on MS Teams
  • Brian handles files of up to 50 MB via MS Teams (via Email 20 MB) – if you have a PDF you can ask Brian to split it in two parts
  • Brian can not process encrypted files – some files are protected from processing even if it is not visible for you – so, if Brian tells you the file is encrypted, he can not handle it


Diese Fähigkeit ist in den folgenden Paketen enthalten:

  • Brian Pro+
  • Brian Business

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