Convert PDF

You can ask Brian to convert files from PDF (native and scanned), PNG or JPG into all MS Office formats!


PDF files have a lot of advantages, but they can also get on your last nerve, especially if you have to edit them. Converting them to MS Office format can be a good remedy. Brian will help you at any time.

What´s cool about it

  • Supporting scanned and native documents
  • Up to 100 pages at once – Works with pdf, png and jpg
  • Convert into Word, Excel or PowerPoint
  • Brian using the best technology for each file type
  • Content not stored nor used for retraining
  • Secure and GDPR compliant – Great integration into your workflows (MS Teams, Email, or Slack)

Use Cases

  • Converting the pdf version of a presentation to reuse it in own slide decks
  • Transforming a scanned research paper to word for reuse
  • Converting list of event participants (printout) to excel for transfer into your CRM
  • Making a pdf document editable in word in order to adjust it individually
  • Converting of an old contract you have as pdf into word in order to reuse it for a different business partner
  • Review and annotate a legal brief by converting the PDF document to a Word file
  • Convert system downloads (e.g. DATEV) into excel to allow an analysis in Excel
  • Converting forms to fill out the content digitally instead of print & write
  • Transforming screenshots into PowerPoint slides or excel tables – Converting CVs into editable formats


Supported Formats:

  • Input formats: pdf, png, jpg, jpeg
  • Output formats: docx, xlsx, pptx
  • Note: If you do not provide the output format, Brian converts the files to MS Word

The quality of the file conversion also depends on the language of the original document. Basically, all main languages are supported.

Covered Languages:

Brian supports the conversion of files written in all common languages. Please mention the language of the file in your request – this usually leads to a better conversion quality.


Brian intelligently uses different technologies based on the nature of the file provided:

  • In case of native PDFs (created digitally) the conversion is processed on our servers
  • In case of scanned PDFs and pictures (using Optical Character Recognition – OCR) the provider is ABBYY


For troubleshooting, consider the following:

  • Please share with Brian the actual file – not a link (e.g. to sharepoint), Brian has no access to your file system
  • The conversion works also if you don’t name the source language, but this might have a negative impact on the conversion quality
  • Please attach one document only
  • Please ensure sufficient contrast of the file – also slight differences might have a larger impact
  • Files having characters like % \ / : * ? ” < > | # + in their file names are not supported on MS Teams
  • Brian converts files up to 50 MB depending on the communication channel
  • We reserve the right to restrict access to Brian in case of excessive use

Brian Package

This skill is included in the following packages:

  • Brian Translate+
  • Brian Pro+
  • Brian for Business

For detailed information visit our pricing site here.

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