Industry KPIs

Are you searching for industrial benchmarks? You can ask Brian for a flexible industry report comprising 80 KPIs for 100 industries!


Often, consultants and business professionals are faced with the challenge of gaining comprehensive insights into a particular industry as quickly as possible. To make matters worse, it is often difficult to identify appropriate data sources that can provide accurate information. Brian provides you with a complete industry benchmarking report with nearly 80 KPIs on an industry of your choice, using leading data providers.

What´s cool about it

  • Curated data source
  • Leading data provider (Aswath Damodaran)
  • Covering 100 industries
  • 80 indicators
  • 5 years of data history
  • Updated annually
  • Global and regional indicators
  • Directly in excel for your convenience

Use Cases

  • Benchmark own performance against industry based on comprehensive KPI report
  • Analyze market dynamics over years regarding growth and profitability to recognize current trends
  • Identify attractive markets as input for your strategic business portfolio analysis
  • Use industry benchmarks to trigger internal discussion how to improve the performance
  • Get valuation input (Sales multiples, EBITDA multiples, …) for assessing the value of individual companies and segments


Covered industries

Brian knows 100 industries from 18 clusters (here you find an interactive list):

  • Auto: Auto & Truck, Auto Parts, Rubber & Tires, Retail Automotive
  • Business Services: Advertising, Business & Consumer Services, Environmental & Waste Services
  • Construction: Construction, Building Materials, Construction Supplies, Homebuilding
  • Consumer goods: Consumer Electronics, Apparel, Furnishing, Household Products, Shoe, Tobacco
  • Financial Institutions: Banks, General insurance, Asset Management, Brokerage & Investment Banking, Life Insurance, Other Financial Services, Property Insurance, Regional Banks, Reinsurance
  • Food & Drink: Alcoholic Beverages, Food, Soft Beverages
  • Healthcare: Healthcare Products, Healthcare Services, Healthcare Technology, Hospitals
  • IT: Computer, Computer Services, Entertainment software, Information Services, Internet Software, IT Systems and Applications, Semiconductor, Semiconductor Equipment
  • Logistics: Transportation, Air Transport, Packaging & Container, Rail Transportation, Trucking
  • Materials: Steel, Metals & Mining, Precious Metals,
  • Mechanical Engineering: Diversified, General Electronics, Aerospace & Defense, Electrical Equipment, Machinery, Shipbuilding & Marine
  • Media: Broadcasting, Cable TV, Entertainment, Publishing & Newspapers
  • Pharma and Chemicals: Diversified Chemical, Pharma, Biotech, Basic Chemical, Specialty Chemical, Agriculture,
  • Real Estate: General Real Estate, R.E.I.T., Real Estate Development, Real Estate Services
  • Retail: Retail General, Retail Online, Food Wholesalers, Retail Building Supply, Retail Distributors, Retail Grocery and Food, Retail Special Lines
  • Telecom: Telecom Services, Telecom Equipment, Wireless Telecom
  • Tourism: Hotel, Recreation, Restaurant
  • Utilities and Energy: Green Energy, Power, Coal & Related Energy, General Utilities, Oil & Gas, Oil & Gas Distribution, Oil & Gas Production and Exploration, Oilfield Services & Equipment, Water Utilities
  • Others: Education, Office Equipment & Services, Paper & Forest Products, All Sectors, Total Market Excl Financial Services

Covered indicators

Brian knows 80 indicators from 8 clusters:

  • Operative Efficiency: Gross Margin, SG&A / Sales, COGS / Sales, Net Income / Sales, After-Tax Operating Margin, EBITDA / Sales, EBITDAR&D / Sales, EBITDASG&A / Sales, Lease Expense / Sales, Margin After-Tax Lease & R&D adj, Margin After-Tax Lease Adj, Market Cap / Net Income, Pre-Tax Lease & R&D Adj Margin, Pre-Tax Lease Adjusted Margin, Pre-Tax Operating Margin, Pre-Tax Operating Margin Unadjusted, Pre-Tax Pre-Stock Compensation Operating Margin, R&D / Sales, Stock-Based Compensation / Sales, Tax Rate
  • Growth: Expected Sales Growth 2Y, Expected EPS Growth 5Y, Revenues Growth 5Y, Net Income Growth 5Y
  • Capital Efficiency: Sales / Capital, ROCE, Capital Expenditures / Depreciation, Capital Spending / Total Assets, Net CapEx / EBIT After-Tax, Net CapEx / Sales, Net PP&E / Total Assets, ROE, ROE – COE, Value Spread
  • NWC: DIO, DPO, DSO, Inventory / Sales, Non-Cash WC / Sales, Payables / Sales, Receivables / Sales
  • Multiples: EV / EBIT, EV / Sales, Cash / EV, EBITDA / EV, EV / EBIT After-Tax, EV / EBITDA, EV / EBITDA R&D, EV / Invested Capital, Forward Price Earnings Ratio, Market Cap / Trailing Net Income, PEG Ratio, Price / Sales, Price Earnings Ratio, Price to Book Ratio, Trailing PE
  • Capital structure: Debt / Capital at Book Value, Debt / Capital at Market Value, Debt / Debt Unadjusted, Debt / Equity, Debt / Equity Unadjusted, Equity / Capital at Market Value, Institutional Holdings
  • Cost of Capital: WACC, After-Tax Cost of Debt, Cost of Equity, Pre-Tax Cost of Debt,
  • Risk: Beta, Unlevered Beta, HiLoRisk, Standard Stock Deviation, Unlevered Beta Corrected for Cash


The data for Industry KPIs is provided by Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance for Stern School of Business at New York University. In this context, he has been collecting and analyzing massive amounts of financial data every year, and since the early 1990s, he publishes the datasets online to use in valuations or corporate finance analysis. The data is updated annually, typically in the first two weeks of January. His data compilation relies on numerous sources, including Bloomberg, Morningstar, Capital IQ, and Compustat, combining data of over 40 000 companies.


If Brian does not deliver, what you expect, consider the following:

  • If he doesn’t know the industry, Brian provides an Excel file where you can find the most relevant industry and adjust it in cell C4.
  • Hint: If you are not sure about the industry, just check the Peer list for relevant companies and to which industry/industries are these allocated to.

Brian Package

This skill is included in the following packages:

  • Brian Pro+
  • Brian for Business

For detailed information visit our pricing site here.

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