Optimize your PDF with Brian's professional skills. Whether you need to reduce file size, remove unnecessary pages, extract specific pages, or secure your documents, Brian offers comprehensive solutions for all your PDF needs.
PDF documents are both friend and foe. Often, consultants and business professionals have to perform low-value tasks that involve editing and modifying PDF documents. Why not ask for help from someone who loves PDF acrobatics and knows them down to the last detail? Brian can help you with everything from merging multiple PDFs to extracting them to encrypting them and making them more secure.
What´s cool about it
Supporting of most frequent PDF tasks
No need of Adobe Professional Pro
Files of up to 50 MB
Avoiding print and scan workarounds
Content not stored nor used for retraining
Secure and GDPR compliant
Use Cases
Delete confidential pages such as commercials from an overall pdf document before redistribution
Rotate wrongly scanned pdfs for easier reading on your PC
Extract most relevant pages from a large information package
Encrypt and add a password protection to your PDF file to restrict the use of a confidential report
Combine various HR documents, such as policy manuals and employee handbooks, into a single PDF file for easy distribution
Supported operations
In order to send a big presentation per mail you can shrink the size of your pdf by up to 70 % ( if technically possible)
You can split one pdf into two parts – You will get back two separate files
You can merge up to three pdfs into one file – Keep the file size in mind though
You can rotate your pdf clockwise in order to make it more readable
You can extract important pages – Brian will send you the extract back
You can delete pages – You will receive the pdf back without these
You can encrypt the pdf with a password to make it secure – Brian will send you the password along with the encrypted file
We conduct all PDF acrobatics operations with our own algorithms. Your data never leaves our cloud service – be assured that we handle your data confidently.
For troubleshooting, consider the following:
Please share with Brian the actual file(s) – not a link (e.g. to sharepoint), Brian has no access to your file system
With exception of file merger, please attach one file only – if you have more files, trigger more requests
Files having characters like % \ / : * ? ” < > | # in their file names are not supported on MS Teams
Brian handles files of up to 50 MB depending on communication channel
Sometimes PDF documents are protected from modification even if you don’t see it. So if Brian tells you the file is encrypted, he can not handle it. However, you can try printing the encrypted file as a regular PDF and then attempt to send it to Brian
Brian Package
This skill is included in the following packages:
Brian Translate+
Brian Pro+
Brian for Business
For detailed information visit our pricing site here.