
Do you want to get high quality images for your presentation? Brian provides you with astonishing AI generated pictures and stock images really quickly!

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In order to make your message stick, it is always a good idea to emphasize your statement with a picture – making your story more emotional and personal or just to provide a glimpse of luxury to it. But where to get hiqh quality license free pictures from? Now you know, just ask Brian “Send me pictures of …”:)

What´s cool about it

  • AI generated and stock images
  • 4 pictures generated by Google Imagen v3
  • 15 stock images from Pexels
  • Free to use in your business presentations
  • Variety of options to choose from

Use Cases

  • Start your speech with an emotional picture
  • Make bullet slides more attractive with a fitting image
  • Use pictures to support your story and content
  • Replace text slides with visuals to simplify your content
  • Make people laugh to manage the meeting mood


  • AI-generated pictures for any content you need
  • Regular stock images on hundred thousands of topics


  • AI-generated pictures are powered by Google Imagen v3 – a powerful image-generating system beating other generative systems according to our testing
  • Stock images are powered by Pexels- which maintains a huge library of millions of images, growing further each day

Special Remarks

Your options and restrictions

The stock images are powered by Pexels, giving credit to the photographer or Pexels is not necessary but always appreciated. However, we kindly request you to keep these restrictions in mind while using Pictures received from Brian:

  • Identifiable people may not appear in a bad light or in a way that is offensive
  • Don’t sell unaltered copies of a photo without modifying it first
  • Don’t imply endorsement of your product by people or brands on the imagery
  • Don’t redistribute or sell the photos on other stock photo platforms


For troubleshooting, consider the following:

  • Please consider, that the algorithm checks for sensitive or potentially inappropriate requests
  • Sometimes you may get no pictures or poor quality pictures for your request because of
    • Pexels does not have them for your topic currently or
    • Low quality of AI-generated pictures

In those cases, you can try to get images for other related topics

  • In case of no custom topic provided – Brian will then prompt you to specify the topic for the desired images.
  • Kindly ask photos only for one custom topic per request, If you need images on multiple topics, please ask Brian multiple times

Brian Package

This skill is included in the following packages:

  • Brian Translate+
  • Brian Pro+
  • Brian for Business

For detailed information visit our pricing site here.

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Ready to get started?

Best for individuals:
14 days of full Brian access, no strings & no credit card required.

Best for teams and companies:
an interactive Brian demo session, tailored to your specific needs.