In order to be able to derive meaningful recommendations for action, it is central to know the positioning of the company against the background of the performance of the central competitors. A comprehensive compilation of important KPIs is often very time-consuming and requires a large number of different input sources. In addition, this dilutes the focus on the concrete derivation of measures. Why not simply rely on Brian, who can easily put together a benchmark analysis for you with more than 70 KPIs within three minutes?
Data coverage
Brian provides peer analysis for over 50,000 publicly traded companies and private companies from Germany.
For a public company the peer analysis provides 70+ KPIs benchmarked against 15 of its peers. The results contain:
For a private company, the peer analysis provides ~20 KPIs, including key financial ratios, select numbers from P&L and balance sheet compared against its 45 peers.
Brian covers over 50,000 publicly traded companies and all private companies from Germany!
Please check the list of covered public companies here and private companies here.
Data for Peer Analysis is provided by two of our various partners:
We are able to customize the look and feel of the Public Company Analysis according to your specific corporate identity = put the research results in your templates! Contact us!
For troubleshooting, consider the following:
This skill is included in the following packages:
For detailed information visit our pricing site here.
Best for individuals:
14 days of full Brian access, no strings & no credit card required.
Best for teams and companies:
an interactive Brian demo session, tailored to your specific needs.